5 Best Tech Stacks for Building Scalable Software Solutions
5 Best Tech Stacks for Building Scalable Software Solutions
With so many technologies available, here are the top 5 tech stacks for developers to build scalable software solutions. Click to explore.

Top 5 Tech Stack Models A Custom Software Development Company Must Know

Choosing the right tech stacks impacts your software’s scalability, reliability, sustainability, and performance. 

But what is a tech stack?

It is a software or development stack — a combination of frameworks, technologies tools, programming languages, libraries, etc. — that are used to develop and deploy custom software. With the right tech stack, custom software developers can leverage the best set of tools and frameworks to build effective and highly functional software.

With continuous technological advancements, a great number of tech stacks are now available in the market. 

Here, the million-dollar question is - “which stack is the best choice?”

In this blog, we will explore the outstanding teck stacks that play a significant role in enhancing your custom software development process​.

So, without further ado, let’s dive in. 

What Are the Key Components of a Teck Stack?

As per the leading custom software development companies, a tech stack compromises of three main layers or components, such as - 

  • Client-side or Frontend

Client-side or front end is the face of your software — the interface that your users see and interact with. Here, common technologies like JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and UI frameworks are mostly used when creating the interface. 

  • Server-side or Backend

The server-side or backend is the brain of the software — where codes and functionalities determine the performance of the custom software. The backend handles requests from the front end to make the software function as per the user's input. Here, frameworks, servers, programming languages, and operating systems are put to use to develop scalable software solutions​.  

  • The Database

Often called the memory bank of custom software, the database is where the data, such as product or customer information, is stored. 

Top 5 Technology Stacks in Software Development

Picking up the right technology stack is crucial for your custom software application development. While the vast options can be overwhelming, here is a list of the top 5 tech stacks for streamlined custom software development in 2025. 

1. MEAN Stack

Frontend - Angular

Backend - Express.js

Database - MongoDB

Mean Stack is an end-to-end JavaScript stack enabling developers to use a single language throughout. This allows the reuse of the codes across the software. It is a free and open-source software technology​ that is supported by an active community. This tech stack is great for cloud hosting because of its scalable, flexible, and extensible features. It can be deployed easily and has its own web server. The database can be extended or scaled as per demand to align with usage spikes. 

2. React Native Stack

React Native is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks in 2025 and is used to build native Android and iOS applications. The framework is React-based, a JavaScript library built by Facebook to support UI development. 

React Native software application codes are a mixture of XML markup and JavaScript. Systems built with React Native stack use real mobile UI components, making the software application resemble other mobile apps and delivering the highest level of performance, reliability, and user experience. 

3. MERN Stack

Frontend - React

Backend - Express.js

Database - MongoDB

React is the most commonly used frontend framework for developing single-page, high-end software applications with interactive user interfaces. React utilizes JSX, which is a syntax extension to JavaScript and offers a structure component rendering with syntax commonly used by developers. With React, changes can be implemented effortlessly using the Virtual DOM (Document Object Model). 

However, since React is a library and not a framework, custom software development companies will have to rely on third-party servers to develop the required features and functionalities. 

4. Serverless Stack

One of the modern trends in software development, the Serverless stack enables developers to focus on writing error-free codes and not worry about the server and infrastructure. The serverless stack utilizes cloud computing services like Google Cloud Functions, AWS Lambda, and Azure Functions, which support the development of cost-effective and scalable applications without leveraging any dedicated servers. 

The serverless architecture is based on the Functions as a Service (FaaS) model, eliminating the need to pay for unused server resources and reducing unnecessary investments when developing custom software​.

5. Ruby on Rails Stack

Rails or Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a common server-side framework that is written in Ruby using the MIT license. It is an open-source, object-focused, model-view-controller framework providing default structures for web pages, databases, and web services.

Other notable tech stacks include .NET Stack, LAMP Stack, Flutter Stack, Python-Django Stack, Java Enterprise Edition Stack, and others that the leading custom software development companies leverage to build high-performing and functional custom software that aligns with business needs and requirements. 


Finding the right tech stack is the crucial step in software development. However certain factors — project size and complexity, scalability requirement, the scope of the project, budget, business requirement, target audience demands, time to market, security requirements, team expertise, etc. — influence the choice of technology stack. 

Nevertheless, as the bespoke software development industry evolves and new tools and technologies emerge, it is essential to stay updated with the latest software development trends to make informed decisions. If you are unsure about the right technology stack, choosing professional software consulting services​ can be a wiser move to seek expert guidance and strategic insights for ensuring sucess.



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