Researchers and academics, publishing in Scopus-indexed conferences provides an excellent opportunity to showcase their work, gain recognition, and contribute to global academic discourse. Scopus is one of most respected databases for scholarly literature, and being indexed in it ensures high visibility and credibility for your research. Scopus-indexed conferences and journals that offer publication opportunities in various fields.
1. African Journal of Biological Sciences
- A leading journal in the biological sciences, offering a platform for researchers to publish innovative findings related to biology, ecology, and environmental studies. It is indexed in Scopus African Journal of Biological Sciences ensuring broad academic reach.
2. Acta Entomologica Sinica
- This journal focuses on entomology and the study of insects. It provides a space for entomologists to publish cutting-edge research on insect behavior, ecology, and biology. Scopus indexing Acta Entomologica Sinica makes it a prestigious choice for entomology research.
3. AIP Conference Proceedings
- AIP Conference Proceedings publishes papers presented at various scientific conferences, especially in fields of physics, materials science, and engineering. Indexed in Scopus, it offers researchers an excellent opportunity for visibility and academic recognition.
4. Alergia Astma Immunologia
- Aimed at immunology and allergy-related research, this journal is a great platform for publishing studies on asthma, allergies, and related immune system disorders. Scopus indexing adds to its credibility, Alergia Astma Immunologia, ensuring your work reaches right audience.
5. Annals of Library and Information Studies
- Annals of Library and Information Studies focuses on intersection of library science, information technology, and information management. Scopus-indexed, it provides scholars in field of information science an esteemed venue to publish research.
6. Communication & Society
- A journal dedicated to communication studies Communication & Societ and their societal impact. It covers topics such as media studies, public relations, and digital communication. Journal’s inclusion in Scopus guarantees its international reach.
7. Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis
- This journal addresses nonlinear analysis in mathematics, with applications in physics, engineering, and other disciplines. Being indexed in Scopus, it is an ideal publication platform for those working in this mathematical field.
8. Geoconservation Research (Geoconserv. Res.)
- This journal focuses on geoconservation, the protection, and management of geological heritage. Researchers in environmental sciences, geology, and conservation can contribute their work here, knowing it will be recognized on a global scale due to Scopus indexing.
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9. Ghana Dental Journal
- Dedicated to dental research and clinical practices, this journal provides a publication venue for dentists, researchers, and academicians in the field. Scopus indexing ensures that the research reaches an international audience within the dental community.
10. Hygiene and Sanitation (Gigiena i Sanitariya)
- This journal is dedicated to studies on public health, sanitation, and hygiene. It covers research related to environmental health, water quality, and sanitation issues globally. Being indexed in Scopus, it brings your research to the forefront of global public health discussions.
11. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics
- Specializing in the application of analytics to real-world problems, this journal covers diverse topics such as optimization, decision analysis, and data analytics. Scopus indexing assures high visibility and broad reach for research in applied analytics.
12. International Journal of Health Sciences
- A reputable journal for health and medical research, focusing on all aspects of health sciences, including public health, clinical studies, and medical technologies. Scopus indexing ensures that studies published in this journal are accessible to researchers worldwide.
13. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences
- This journal focuses on research in human movement, sports sciences, exercise physiology, and physical education. Scopus indexing helps this journal reach a global audience in the sports science and physical education community.
Also read :
Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis
Geoconservation Research (Geoconserv. Res.)
Ghana Dental Journal
Hygiene and sanitation(Gigiena i Sanitariya)
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics
International Journal of Health Sciences
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences
Publishing in Scopus-indexed conferences and journals is an excellent way to contribute to the academic community and gain recognition in your field. The journals and conferences listed above provide valuable platforms for researchers in various domains, from biological sciences and immunology to engineering and sports sciences. Submitting your research to these platforms ensures that your work is seen and cited by researchers across the world, enhancing your academic profile and career prospects.
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